Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Canada Day!
Yes, the whole country celebrates the birthday of this blog, four years ago! :)
Actually, the country turns 144 officially, and although the Queen isn't in Canada this time as she was last year, she sent Prince Phillip and his bride Kate instead. Hopefully they are having a good time, Canada loves its royals.
We’ve been sparse with updates to the blog, as the main mission of it was accomplished last year, but I did want to update a few details: believe it or not we are STILL waiting on that Permanent Resident card (the actual card only; the legal status has been achieved). Ironically, after waiting almost three years for a Canadian Work Permit, I find myself with a (lovely!) job that's actually based in the States (though I'm not required to go there to do it, it's an internet-based job).
The only reason I don’t have the PR card yet is (probably) due to the postal strike that just ended this week. I’m not sure who was “right” in the dispute, but I fear the government has just put a band-aid over the real problem.
I’ll try to at least post more links to Canadian news stories of interest, just in case some of you need a break from the wall-to-wall Casey Anthony trial coverage. (rolls eyes)
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Prince William :P
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, actually.....
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