Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Facebook Fun

Here’s a short excerpt from my third set at Phillips Comedy Night here in Victoria, done just a couple of days ago. So far, been having lots of fun and the audiences have been wonderful. Also in this particular show was some improv, some sketch comedy by EatsShootsLeaves, some video comedy by LoadingReadyRun (very good!) and a hilarious musical revue by Vancouver’s “The Gay Straights.”

For those of you in or near the Victoria area, I personally think this is a great evening’s entertainment for a measly $10, a cosy little club in the heart of downtown with a full bar and a good regular crowd. You can visit their event page to see what’s there this month, they host several comedy and/or improv events besides just the Comedy Night.

With thanks to Heather for recording this, and Wes Borg (the emcee) for the heckling. :)

