I have added quite a few (43 actually) new fall photos to my Facebook album “Autumn Pics.” You don’t have to be a Facebook member to see them.
The total collection covers fall photos from the last two years, starting with our tour across the USA (which happened to begin in October 2007) and includes our pictures from our last two seasons in Victoria (with pictures taken all over our neighbourhood and other parts of town).
Some judicious rains in late summer and generally milder temperatures than we had last year have conspired to help keep the seasonal colours on the trees for longer than normal, so we've tried to take advantage of it. I’m not ruling out throwing a few more shots up there, but I think we’re basically done with showing off our beautiful town for while, with the exception of our inevitable Xmas pic, and of course the incredible beauty of spring that will come in April next year.
As a guy who lived in Florida off and on for 30 years, I can’t get enough of the seasons up here. Even winter thrills me, even at its bleakest/grayest/rainest/coldest, because even at those times I enjoy the bracing thrill of being alive, and I know that there's a mug of hot cocoa somewhere nearby and that glorious spring is not far off. Fall is just the sendoff parade of at least six months of eye-popping flora and fauna this town is rightly famous for.
I hope you’ll enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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