Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Goon Show

About the only thing I actually want the Department of Fatherland Security to illegally wiretap is my phone calls with my longtime pal Liz Langley, because then those poor CIA schlubs who have to listen in on teenagers bellyaching about shoe prices all day would at least get a giggle fit once in a while.

For whatever reason, Liz and I really spark each other off creatively, and our conversations often turn into screeching fits of hysterical laughter better suited to mental patients than a couple of bitter, hardened barflys professional writers. One recent such chuckle-fest was turned into a blog entry on Liz's outstanding web site, Alice The Goon.

I'm not just her friend, I'm a devoted fan of her brilliant (though mostly adult-orientated) work. So go click the link and give her a visit, and find out (for many of you, for the first time) just what a brilliantly witty and erudite fellow I am! :)

If either of us had routinely taped our phone calls, the many million-dollar ideas we've tossed out would probably have made us both rich by now. Hmmm ...

"Dear American Government: If you DO have the tapes of our phone calls, could we have a copy? We think our retirement nestegg is in there somewhere ... love, Chas and Liz."


Anonymous said...

very interesting piece thanks for writing
